Roudou Sanka - Story version?
  • ThomasThomas
    October 2012
    12 Reputation

    some time ago I downloaded the Roudou Sanka (労働讃歌) music video. The file name has the string "[歌のみver.]" in it.
    Machine translation gives me "Song only version" or "Only the song's version" for that. Which leads me to the question whether there is a "Full" or a "Story version" like there is one for Z女戦争 and D'の純情.
    I couldn't find a different version so far. Does anyone of you know more?
  • eyelesseyeless
    October 2012
    2265 Reputation
    I never heard story version of Rodou Sanka before, but I might be wrong.
  • October 2012
    5759 Reputation
    ももいろクローバーZ 労働讃歌 [歌のみver.]

    The Full version of this video exists.
    The Full version is recorded in the DVD of the first limited edition.
    I didn't own this limited edition.
    I owned normal version, but have watched it.
    I have a feeling that there was a drama before a song begins if my memory is right.
    As for the video uploaded by stardustdigital account, all is not Full version.
  • ThomasThomas
    October 2012
    12 Reputation
    momomofu said:

    The Full version is recorded in the DVD of the first limited edition.

    That's very interesting indeed. Thank you.
    Now that I know that it exists I have enough patience to wait till I have saved enough money to import some DVDs.
  • Carsuke
    October 2012
    10 Reputation
    I own it, there's a little play at the beginning where one of the girls reads a newspaper in the subway and then the others sneak behind her back and try to read just to feign ignorance when they are busted, and at the end it's still in the subway and they are doing various things I don't really remember.
  • eyelesseyeless
    October 2012
    2265 Reputation
    OMG, I missed a lot of things /alone
  • October 2012
    5759 Reputation
  • February 2013
    925 Reputation
    Does anyone know where i could find a full version online? I only see the full version of Otome sensou, Z Densetsu, Pinky Jones, and the drama parts of Mirai Bowl. I can't seem to find Roudou Sanka T^T
  • February 2013
    5759 Reputation
    ももいろクローバーZ - ももクロ4時間特番 前編 (2012.11.24)

    79:22~ Roudou Sanka(Full Version)
    49:27~ Mirai Bowl(Full Version)