Partially. Also partially about Kohaku. In general, the end of last year, and the beginning of the next.
Kojima (on the left) took time off to see MomoKuri. Watabe (on the right) gives him some grief about taking time of to see a concert. Because Kojima was there, they had him do some commentary for the eventual DVD. He got booed. Most of the booing was the sort he's used to (he's kind of a "heel" in Professional Wrestling terms, and he knows it) but at least one of the people there seriously doesn't like him.
Then, over New Years, he went to Las Vegas with his family and Bananaman's (that's a different comedy duo) Shitara Osamu (who is also a MomoClo fan). The two of them watched Kohaku, and then went back to gambling... chitchatting about the show while they played. Watabe makes fun of Kojima for watching MomoClo right in the middle of heavy-smoking, heavy-drinking, and gambling.
At the very end, Kojima says that this year, he'll make Watabe a fan. Watabe says, "Oh right... because we can't work on days when there's a MomoClo show." Kojima gets mad at him for holding onto that from the beginning of the talk-segment. Watabe answers, that he wants the time off, so he can write jokes for them. Kojima angrily states that Watabe is very cool (in a good way, the anger is his "bit").