I give them all credit for simply eating the sushi....it didn't look like something I could ever eat. Shiori was great; she was trying to keep a straight face but her eyes were watering.
Did it sound like they were very off-key when they began singing? I only watched the vid once but I think somebody was out of tune.
/love Man that is so awesome, I would love to get a copy of this magazine. This collaboration just meets with me perfectly. They look so great in the Gundam military outfits.
Momoclo was nominated for Animation Artist of the Year 2012 of Billboard JAPAN Music Award.
・Animation Artist of the Year 2012 アンジェラ・アキ、いきものがかり、一十木音也(寺島拓篤)、聖川真斗(鈴村健一)、四ノ宮那月(谷山紀章)、一ノ瀬トキヤ(宮野真守)、神宮寺レン(諏訪部順一)、来栖翔(下野紘)、愛島セシル(鳥海浩輔)、家入レオ、植村花菜、後ろから這いより隊G(ニャル子×クー子×珠緒)、喜多村英梨、ClariS、Civilian Skunk、私立恵比寿中学、スキマスイッチ、SPYAIR、福山雅治、フジファブリック、双葉杏(五十嵐裕美)、BREAKERZ、放課後ティータイム、堀江由衣、水樹奈々、緑間真太郎(小野大輔),高尾和成(鈴木達央)、May'n、ももいろクローバーZ、桃黒亭一門、山下智久、ユニコーン、UNISON SQUARE GARDEN、LiSA、Rihwa、渡り廊下走り隊7 (50音順) http://www.billboard-japan.com/d_news/detail/7884 http://www.billboard-japan.com/special/detail/25
I've seen another clip with English subs which explains the panda makeup, but do they ever give any reason why Reni ended up as Gene Simmons? Or was Reni just being Reni? /blee