AE Fan Club Comics in English
  • August 2016
    3398 Reputation
    If you would be so kind :)
  • August 2016
    284 Reputation

    title} Momoka's Solo Concert Report, Kojo Tetsuya (1)

    1} (Side panel) The writer thought he'd go to this year's MomoClo Nation-wide tour
    T: For simply going to a show, not like backstage or anything, and drawing out the response, maybe new people would make a fresh report
    (small) If I draw the show's contents, it gives spoilers...

    2} T: Oh yeah! This time, I'll bring my assistant (Mi-Nofu) and have her try to draw a comic!
    (small) If it's funny, I want to post it to AE!
    T: ... But comics drawn by staff is kinda...?

    3} T: Well... MomoClo's staff appear on TV pretty regularly, it should be ok! (small) Maybe!
    (small) The art's shakiness (?something?)
    (panel) So you have it

    4} I tried bringing 2 of my staff to Momoka's solo concert
    (right) Staff, Kitaooji Mami
    (left) Staff, Nesota Sone (?) (It'll be easier to see when her set comes out)


    title} Momoka's Solo Concert Report, Staff, Kitaooji Mami (1)

    1} Ma: I'm Kitaooji Mami, pleased to meet you.
    Ma: I'm allowed to work as an assistant to Mr. Kojo

    2} Ma: I also help MomoPro Z, but I'm mostly an anime/voice actor otaku myself.

    3} T: Next time is Momoka's solo concert, but do you want to go?
    Ma: Huh? Can I?

    4} T: You can borrow penlights, so it's fine.
    Ma: But, if it's okay to use the same ones I use for voice actors, I have my own.
    (small) 2 of them!
    (panel) I thought she was rather gross (sorry)
  • August 2016
    3398 Reputation
    If you decide to change anything I just redo and re-upload them :)

    #382 + 383 translated
    image image
  • August 2016
    3398 Reputation
    #386 August 28
  • August 2016
    284 Reputation

    title} Momoka's Solo Concert Report, Staff, Kitaooji Mami (2)

    1} (background) I'm really bad with directions and stuff
    (phone screen) Yoko-Arena directions
    Ma: I went there before for a voice-actor event but, will I be okay...

    2} (Mami remembering) T: On the day of the show, there'll be tons of people in green, you can't get lost
    Ma: Really...

    3} (background noise) [one after another]

    4} Ma: A road of green!!
    (small) That way!

    Sorry, I completely give up on that onomatopeia. Completely. The closest I could think of was the "baah" of sheep, or "shuffle" of people walking slowly in lines, but they're both pretty far off.


    title} Momoka's Solo Concert Report, Staff, Kitaooji Mami (3)

    1} (background) I used the staff entrance for the first time
    (sounds) Ba-Dum Ba-Dum
    (man's thoughts) [absolutely no clue]

    2} (sounds) Ba-Dum Ba-Dum
    Ma: Yaaay! In a way it's supposed to be work, but I'm going to enjoy this!

    3} (sounds) Yaaaaaah
    Ma: It's starting! Momoka-chaaaaan

    4} Ma: Why!
    Ma: Everybody! Isn't going to stand up!?
    (panel) To be expected in the staff seats
  • August 2016
    3398 Reputation
    Gonna ask my Japanese friend about the missing parts but it's probably nigh to impossible to decipher visually
  • August 2016
    284 Reputation

    title} Momoka's Solo Concert Report, Staff, Kitaooji Mami (4)

    1} (background right) I've almost never gone to an idol concert so
    (background left) I was nervous about what kind of people, what kind of atmosphere...
    (center thoughts) Ma: I don't really have any green clothes...

    2} Ma: Huh, there's lots of green Adidas backpacks. It must be a collaboration product or something, like they have for anime.

    3} Ma: Wow! Amazing. The flowers are so pretty!
    Ma: I see them addressed to the cast at voice-actor events alllll the time!

    4} (panel) Result: Unexpectedly identical.
    (background) Voice actors these days... *cough* what's the deal...
  • August 2016
    3398 Reputation
    #387 August 30
  • August 2016
    284 Reputation

    title} Momoka's Solo Concert Report, Staff, Kitaooji Mami (5)

    1} Ma: After the show, I was allowed to greet her.
    (panel) It turned out that I met Momoka-chan
    (※) At reception
    Te & Ma: Ah!

    2} (background) At first, she entered so nonchalantly I didn't notice.
    M: (in the back) Thanks for coming.
    (Soneta? bottom right?): Ah! Uh, Sensei.
    Ma: Momoka-chan is...
    (near Kojo) Joking around

    3} (background) Even though it was right after her show, she talked to each and every staff member
    (background left) She greeted even somebody like me with a smile
    M: Thanks for coming out on such short notice [maybe... it's hard to read]
    (Momoka's shirt) Feel a Heartbreak Vo1.0*

    *Momoka's solo song subtitle, rather than translating the main title which is written on her shirt

    4} Ma: Amazingly cute
    Ma: Super communication ability
    Ma: Are we even the same species?
    (background) A flustered civvie
  • August 2016
    3398 Reputation
    Well the text was unreadable even for Japanese eyes.
    So I just left everything unidentifiable out of it.
    Works nevertheless :-)

    #384 + 385 translated
    image image

    #385 + 387 translated
    image image
  • August 2016
    264 Reputation
    Hahaha, 384 perfectly portrays my experience of going to Nissan stadium.
  • September 2016
    3398 Reputation
    #388 September 1
  • September 2016
    284 Reputation
    #382's second staff member is named "Netsu Kitsune" (possibly Netsuki Tsune, but I don't think so), if you'd be so kind as to go back and change it... Her name is a palindrome, and written phonetically so it's not easy to judge which part is family name and which is given. From the anime "Love Hina" I'm used to the idea of a girl named "Kitsune" so I'm going with that!


    title} Momoka's Solo Concert Report, Staff, Netsu Kitsune (1)

    1} Greetings
    I'm MomoPro's assistant, Netsu Kitsune

    2} This time, I'm being permitted to go to Ms. Ariyasu's Solo concert
    My first MomoKuro; my first concert.

    3} The venue is well, already, green green green
    I also went fishing through my shelves to dress in green.

    4} ...
    Now, a completely purple person was over there.
  • September 2016
    3398 Reputation
    #382 has been exchanged

    #388 translated
  • September 2016
    3398 Reputation
    #389 September 3
  • September 2016
    284 Reputation

    title} Momoka's Solo Concert Report, Staff, Netsu Kitsune (2)

    1} Ki: Where's Mr. Kojo...
    (background) tap

    2} (background) Mr. Kojo isn't in green!!
    Te: Hey

    3} (background) My coworker isn't in green either!!
    Ma: Sorry for the wait

    4} (background) All the staff aren't in green aaaat aaaall!!
  • September 2016
    3398 Reputation
    What is Kojo's short expression in frame 2?
  • September 2016
    51 Reputation

    What is Kojo's short expression in frame 2?

    He's just saying "hey" or "yo" or "generic greeting noise"
  • September 2016
    284 Reputation
    Right, probably should have mentioned that I edited my translation post above, it being in a spoiler and all.
  • September 2016
    3398 Reputation
    Okie :)

    #389 translated

    #390 September 5